NEVERknead Review

I received my NEVERknead Clay Conditioning Machine in March of 2015. It’s now January 2024, I went back to the website and was disappointed to see that you can no longer order the machine directly as one unit. It’s still available, you have to do 2 extra steps to own one now.
Let me explain…
To get a NEVERknead machine you will need to buy a ARBOR PRESS by visiting a hardware store like Harbor Freight or order one from Amazon.
Those currently run around $55-$65.00. One downfall is that they usually just come in a standard grey color. IF you want the machine to have a color you will be painting it yourself. Use a Rust-oleum Spray Paint.
The next step is to order the parts kit from the NEVERknead website which are $60.00. Lastly is to assemble it. Yes, that sounds like a hassle, but I think the cost of shipping just got way out of hand, as these machines are VERY heavy.
I do use my machine every time I open a new package of clay. I use the NEVERknead for pressing the clay bar on its edges, to flatten them easily for pressing the clay thin enough to pass through the pasta machine.
Conditioning polymer clay by hand was really hard for me to do. I would have to clay in short sessions. This really interfered with my creative flow, this machine was my solution.
It works better than I ever imagined and I highly recommend it for anyone that does a lot of claying. It saves so much time and effort.
The NEVERknead is a necessary tool for me. It’s one of my most cherished tools in my studio, it has allowed me to continue claying & to continue following my passion with polymer clay.